A three-story guest house on the riverside. Suitable for events, hosting up to 30 people (up to 22 made beds, plus three foldable mattress' and sofas).
The wet sauna (bathbrooms allowed) is located in the basement. It also has a recreation room with a big sofa, a double bed, a kitchenette with a few dishes, a shower and a toilet. It has an exit to a spacious terrace, jacuzzi hottub and the river Mazā Jugla. Outside there is a meadow for various activities , a grill and tables.
The first floor has a spacious hall (50 sq.m.) with dining tables, a radio (AUX, USB), a sofa. There is a fully functional kitchen with dishes (everything needed to serve for 30 guests), a double-ring gas stove, a microwave oven, an electric kettle, a refridgerator with a freezer section. There is also a toilet on this floor. Outside you have a parking lot, a basketball net, football goal and a volleyball net.
Second floor has a small recreation room with a corner sofa and a table, five bedrooms (four bedplaces in each) and a toilet with a shower in it.
The water is provided from our local well.

Cenas norādītas par 10 personām, tām ir informatīvs raksturs.

Viss trīsstāvu viesu nams ar nakšņošanu
Svētdiena līdz ceturtdiena: 225 eiro
Piektdienā: 255 eiro
Sestdienā: 310-450 eiro
Papildu viesis: līdz 15 eiro.
Par mājdzīvnieku: 5 eiro.

Mājas pagrabstāva īre ar karstu pirti uz 4h
Svētdiena līdz ceturtdiena: 155 eiro
Piektdiena: 165 eiro
Sestdiena: 180 eiro
Papildu viesis: 10 eiro.
Par mājdzīvnieku: 5 eiro.
Papildu stunda: 10 eiro.
Pirtsslota: 5 eiro.

Karsta pirts (max temp. 80C) uz 4 stundām (nakšņotājiem): 70 eiro.
Karstais kubls uz 4h: 60-90 eiro.
SUP dēļu noma: 10 eiro/gab/dienā.